groupe agressif

Tips against agressive groups

février 01, 2018

Certain groups of people may have an aggressive behaviour. Insofar as possible, it is recommended not to stop to look around or talk with these people. It is preferable to change walkways or your route. If you are in an isolated place, try to go to a public place as soon as possible where there are people.

Do not adopt any attitude or posture of a victim, do not avoid the glance of others and adopt a posture of self-confidence. The behaviour as a victim often leads to an attack.

In the event of an attack, do not try to resist and/or negotiate. You can never know whether or not your attacker has a weapon, so always be cautious.

Always check that your bag is closed and effects are isolated. Keep your bag close to you. If somebody tries to steal your bag, it is best not to try and be a hero. Instances of people being injured after resisting unfortunately exist and losing your wallet is much less serious than being injured.

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